Friday, May 10, 2013

Good Distractions

Left work early to get in a short run. I was headed to the track to do intervals but I got sidetracked by this pretty trail...

So yesterday I left work a little early with the plan to let Steve pick Chaney up while I went home to change quick and go for a run.  Confession: I felt completely selfish doing this.

I was supposed to run intervals yesterday and I do that at the jr. high track.  It's a little over a mile away so I get my mile warm up running there and then I'm ready to go with the intervals.  The mile back home... not as much fun.

But then I got distracted with this beautiful trail.  I love where we live; this trail runs throughout our neighborhood.  However, I rarely run on it because there is no way in hell I'm running this in the dark.  Have you watched the Walking Dead?  There might be walkers in those trees... ;)

I'm so glad I was a little spontaneous.  I felt great when I got home and with all the structured training I've been following for my upcoming half, it was a nice break.

And besides, don't my feet look happy?? 

Today it was back to reality x-training on the elliptical and then tomorrow I have 10 miles; my last long run before the half!

To all you moms, have a wonderful Mother's Day this weekend!

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